01/02/2025 Santosha It was so exhausting being focused on finding a new job while working my full-time job and trying to keep up with homework. And none of what I’ve covered here even touches my personal life. No wonder I was so unhappy.
12/07/2023 Humbug! I confess! I’ve never read the book, A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens. I’m a fan of the work, having seen many iterations of the storyline on screen ever since I was a young child. Is it by strange coincidence, then...
500 Words • 10/02/2023 So, You Want to be a Writer! Confession… I haven’t yet accomplished this goal, so I’m not entirely speaking from experience. But I’m working on it. Four years ago...
11/15/2022 Find Your Catalyst Hmm... Catalyst – something that leads to change. What was it that inspired...
Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/johnhain-352999/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=2268884">John Hain</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=2268884">Pixabay</a> 11/07/2021 Growth Requires Change Requires Growth Requires Change ...but it was not because he didn’t care about those people. He was weary of hearing complaints from friends who never tried to do anything to change their circumstances.
500 Words • 05/29/2020 Adjusting Focus Brings Clarity But I lost sight of my writing goals, only a few months after establishing them, all because I sent my exhausted brain on vacation. In my excitement to temporarily deplete my mind of responsibility, I forgot to exclude my writing life from this brain vacation.
500 Words • 04/09/2020 The Enemy Within Second guessing. Why do we, as human beings, second guess our own judgement? I say “we” because I’m sure that the general majority of people suffer this same insecurity as me. For example, I’m terrible at any multiple-choice exam. “Trust your gut” the teachers would say
500 Words • 03/26/2020 Unexpected Timing A few weeks ago, I did a thing. I subscribed to one of those box-subscriptions that I’ve always told myself was a waste of money and had convinced myself that I shouldn’t spend so much money on gifts for myself.
500 Words • 03/25/2020 A Taste of AWP I recently had the opportunity to attend the 2020 AWP Conference in San Antonio, Texas earlier this month. This, of course, was just before all unessential life went into lockdown. Though attendance and participation were small, the conference was a good eye-opener for the many chapbook publications and literary journals that I never knew existed – several of which solely publish works of creative nonfiction.
500 Words • 03/24/2020 A Blog Beginning Making time for writing everyday is important for every writer. It’s also much easier said than done. Speaking as a student, there are often writing projects to complete, but those assignments don’t necessarily cover the more desired topics to write about.